Wednesday, December 23, 2020

 A snapshot of my entropia experience 4 years ago.  a notes tab to see where it grows from.  


checklist for entropia activity
log in
for boredom periods, seek something new to do
for continuation of previous days activity do more of that
pattern right now looks like for a day, hunt 1 hour to 2 hours, sweat 1 hour to 3 hours, craft 1 hour to 3 hours
spawnwalk 2 to 3 hours, meaning 12 hours spent in game 
log out

log in
check auctions results for overnight
spawnwalk and sweat
crafting for whats going on in real world
hunting for boredom periods

I was thinking so small back then. It is now 4 years later and I've stepped up my game to work and cycle with $300 a day processed.  All in the game and internal to it.  A long way from sweat days.  But started with the above checklist and grew.  I see now how stuck in scarcity I was and the notions still bedevil me.  But in breaking into abundance and making sense of it for myself I entered into other levels of play.  

There are other players have done much the same and may have never had to go through a scarcity mindset stage. Huge opportunities in seeing how to better invest through entropia universe.  The virtual entertainment is fun and profitable. I may go on about my scarcity stages for other times and where I am currently for yet more.  To let new players know what to play and likely new perspectives from other fellow players.