Monday, December 17, 2012

Virtual Tycoon for Entropia Universe is a incredibly useful tool available on Android's marketplace.  I get almost everything I need as a crafter to play entropia on the go.  With construction interface, storage interface, and auction interface; common tasks that used to take a few minutes now get done in seconds. 
I set up a crafting run before I drive for the fun of it, then while I drive my phone is busily crafting away in entropia.  There are a few problems with download and startup times.  Also some problems with changing power hooks and crossing in and out of wi-fi zones.  But when it works it is great.  Virtual Tycoon lets me take maximum advantage of time I have during the day and night to play entropia in a meaningful way.  By doubling (for me) the number of devices I have to play entropia  I can play even more than before and have other things to do on the spare device (such as read blogs (AxeMurderer) and forum posts).  The freedom to play anywhere anytime increases entropia's utility to me double fold and more.  So if a player wants to take crafting seriously, Virtual Tycoon is THE tool to do crafting with. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Technical analysis of entropia calypso markets.  The idea to be explored here is one item or a small group of items represent the whole market of 3000+ items in entropia universe.  The items I choose to look at are basic sheet metal, metal residue, and sweat related items.  They meet criteria for; widely traded in entropia terms,  nearly a commodity, enough volume to represent a significant part of entropia's economy, and easily tracked (one of each needs to be kept in inventory to check prices with market value tab).
Basic Sheet Metal will vary between $500-$5000 a day.  I find it depends on time of year and current demand, and often, time of week.  Markups are also high on basic sheet metal reflecting the cost of materials to make it. As a day-to-day trading item it is difficult to trade profitably.  Manufacturing basic sheet metal, then selling it, is the way to go.  The high markups leave room for some profits on inefficiencies in manufacturing, buying and selling basic sheet metal.  Most items do not have the markups needed at 5%+ margins.  Basic sheet metal does.  The volume is among the highest in the universe. 
The technical analysis part is in comparing other component commodity items to basic sheet metal.  For example, metal mountings, standard plate, basic sensor, simple i plastic springs, simple i conductors, and a few others.  As basic sheet metal moves so do the others.  Say you notice basic sheet metal over a few days.  The markups are heading up at a 1% more a day.  There is a safe assumption that other items markups are also heading up around 1% also.  Then the markups start heading down 1% a day.  The other items will also be showing a downward pressure.  When following the maxim of buy low and sell high, knowing where the items' trend is, can be useful.
Personally the price moves affects how much I am willing to pay for resources to make the basic sheet metal.  On market highs I am more cautious as I know the price can fall fast over just a few days.  That affects how much I price my basic sheet metal at. For low periods of markup I look for better deals on resources to make basic sheet metal.  There are profits to be had being concious of the price and markup variations.  As for setting price that is a another discussion.
So on to Metal Residue.  Markups are low, it is a commodity, as a day to day item there are usually several orders for $1000 or more of residue.  The volume varies but is usually at least $5000 on up to $10000 and $15000 per day.  It meets the criteria as a barometer of the entropia economy.  Tracking residues prices' shows how much of limited (L) items are being made.  The technical analysis part is not so much that residues can be traded, though they can be, but that the sale and purchase of them represents the level of activity in end-user items where the residue is used. Markups on residues are fairly stable and won't vary more than 10% over long periods of time.  A 1/4 percent to 1% move is most common on day to day markups.  There are profits in residue trading but they are slim and better used to make end-items.
Considering the above three items, their markups, volume, and prices can be used to compare the same features as the 1000's of other items in entropia universe.  The same things can be said about the other items as about the above three items.  The markups, prices, and volumes do this, and markups, prices, and volumes, do that.  They are like individual markets to themselves for each item, though they can all be compared, aggregated, and made to get a clearer picture with comparison and contrasts of the entropia universe economy through technical analysis.
So to summarize, one aspect of technical analysis that can be applied to entropia markets is one item or a small group of items can represent a wealth of information about all items in entropia universe.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

calypso population estimates

Other ways to gauge active population on calypso.  Active population is at least 200000 people at a time.  Take samples from the radar map.  Go to a busy area such as port atlantis or nea's place.  count up the green dots on the radar.  typically in the two areas, I count 40-200.  And the average would be (40+200)/2 or 120.  Now add in swamp camps, areas close to the first two, and twin peaks.  Twin peaks is it's own place with typically 100-300 at a time.  And from sampling different times of day, (every 3 hours is what I did, on 5 separate days) there is not much variation  for an average of 200 people in twin peaks.  Count people in buildings with auctioneers also. Surrounding areas amount to another 100 people per area.  For 80 areas of high population averaging 160 people per area.  Which brings the total estimate to  12800 active players at a time for populated areas.
Now for the less populated areas, such as outposts, mining grounds, hunting grounds, and wide open spaces.  Take there are at least 2 active players at a time in a desolate area.  Yourself and one other player. Sometimes three and sometimes 4 even.  Which average is 2.5 players for out of the way and on most of the planet, areas.
To figure the total areas under consideration consider the area of calypso as a whole.  1500 square kilometers in all.  Consider 10% is water though sometimes that counts also, a lower number over the whole 150+ square kilometers of water, leviathan hunting is fun, 1 person per radar area.  The other 1350 square kilometers includes the low areas of 4.5 players per radar screen and the high areas of 160 people per radar area.  So take out 80 times a radar area or 10000 square meters (I took this from range of my Murdand Groover) for a radar area. 
Now convert that to square kilometers, for .01 square kilometers.  For 80 times 0.01 or .8 square kilometers of high population of 12800 people.  1500 sqaure kilometers minus 0.8 sq. km. leaves 1499.2 to account for.  Water is another 150 at 2.5 people per radar area or 15000 radar areas and 37500 people.  Now for the rest.  What is left is 1349 at 2.5 players per radar area or 134920 radar areas and 337300 players at a time.  Add the figures up (12800+37500+337300) and get 387600 players active at a time. 
Seems incredible that many at once.  But yet the figures are there.  Don't like the estimates?  Cut them in half, still 193800 players active at a time.  Take out times there is no one but yourself.  Another 30% trim and still 135660 people at a time.  So I have some confidence in saying there are at least 130000 people active at a time, anytime, on planet calypso and more likely over 200000 active people.  Similar figures can be obtained for other planets and areas.  The figures only go up during busy seasons and special events.  Hope you enjoyed this estimate of population on calypso and hope to see you sometime, (right now) on planet calypso. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

skill implants sales item limit discussion

The sales item limit is a problem when there are 100+/- skills that can be implanted or chipped out. Multiple sizings and number of different skills encourage specialization in professions; hunting profession skills, mining profession skills, and crafting profession skills. With approximately 33 skills per profession, the item sales limit of 30 at a time is reached. And selling multiple skill implants of the same skills limits the scope of activity further.  And the actual practice of each profession is also limited when doing skill trading.  Too many profession items and skill items for sale and not all the items can be sold at once.
On another note, skill trading is a key part of the effort expended, benefit created, and compensation for lost PED balance, in playing.
A colonist/settler trying to raise PED has many options that spill over from real life to entropia life.  I will try and stay with the in-game ways to make or earn PED.  Stuff for the budget minded includes sweating.  For time constraints, depositing is the most perferable.  For people with time, sweating is preferable.  Mining in the game, when beginning, is not recommended because mining has a 25% hit rate.  If an avatar catches the wrong swing of luck, mining will be a bust and it's back to sweating.  Hunting however is a bit more reliable though low margin for loot returned.  It becomes a game of break-even to:  I lost a little less this time than last time. 
Skills are being built however, but cannot really be cashed in until reaching high enough skill levels to overcome what I call market frictions.
 The 10PED limit on empty skill implants is one friction.  The implant will pack in as much as you specify of skill and if there is any left-over, it returns the amount below 10PED as PED and not another ESI.  A loss of the, usually, x7 to x8 markup.  The uncertainty and calculations that go into making filled skill implants are somewhat complex but can be done cautiously.  So to do a good count with skills trading, there is a website that does wonderful for figuring the numbers needed.
Auction fees and ESI decays when filling them are another friction shaving another 10% of the potential amount gained. 
But that's for when the avatar's skills are high enough to chip out and you properly see, hear, read or know how much goes into each.  Sweating builds enough skills to chip out. (but not sweat gathering skill).  Skills such as athletics, courage, dexterity, alertness, and evade can be chipped out.  A sufficient amount takes a lot of sweating.  Becoming a skills trader is difficult as the 20%+ of market frictions means an avatar needs to have greater than, markup, higher than 20% times whatever implant is being sold. 
Say the implant is a Courage implant at 5 PED.  Marked up x25.  Puts it at 125 PED market value.  Then once it's out or in, turn around and how much can it be sold for to first; breakeven?, then make money?, then lose less money?  Market frictions reduce the implant to 100 PED value.  So with current markup would have a TT value 4 PED implant.  Started at 5 PED.  The way to make the money back is sell at a higher multiple of the PED TT value which would be x31 markup. 
That's how to break-even and recover 125 PED spent on it.  Right at x31 is breakeven.
Above x31 markup and profits are possible. 
Anything below would be a loss.  The way to lose less next time around is play skill markets like a real market.  Buying low and selling high.  It takes time but can be done.  Inefficiencies also exist but because of the financial world equivalent which I call: market frictions, the spreads, of 20% or more, limit the number of profitable transactions that can be done.  Overcoming market frictions, then the sales item limit is a concern with skill implants. 
Be careful, be smart, and your time and money may multiply when a player in entropia universe. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sales item limits and implications. I ran into the maximum saleable items barrier on entropia's auctioneer. Not really knowing I had run into it until the pop up window says, you cannot place more items on auction. Please remove items or ? At least that's what I remember. Soon after the message I began to think about how the item sales limit affects what a settler/colonizer does to raise PED.
It makes professions, more professional. It encourages specialization. It sets limits to auction spam. It limits which items to concentrate on to sell. It makes reselling more limited. It makes person to person trades more important. It makes time demands that shape how the economy goes, personal, local, and global. It levels the playing field of newbs vs ubers considerably. It creates opportunities that would not exist without the limits.
been working on some articles about 30 item sales limit at auctioneer and how to profitably understand and use the knowledge to more efficiently and profitably play entropia.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sweating in entropia experience

Sweating in entropia.  There are many planets to choose from. Calypso is my favorite and among the most populated.  I haven't been anywhere else because I'm so tied to Calypso.  Whether it was sweating at old swamp camp or old, old swamp camp, then new swamp camp, then on to Nea's Place, then on to the fert at Nea's Place, then to Limnadian District, a stop off near a castle and boars, then then punies around Port Atlantis, then after a year (and another 4 years before that) I was done with sweating. 
I still sweat out of habit sometimes.  There were days without thinking I logged in, I was already around sweatable creatures, and pressed the toggle auto-use button and sweated away.  I was hard-pressed to get in 3 hours of sweating a day and goal of 1000 sweat daily.  Though most of the time I reached it and many times exceeded it.  For more dedicated players more is possible.  Once the excitement of Calypso's markets and the scope and beauty of the planet made its mark on me, I calmed down, and proceeded to make my way. 
The journey is tremendous.  Nowhere else in the world provides entropia's opportunity and rates of return for such a low cost.  Even when the ped balance reads 0.00 there are ways to raise it by bootstrapping, something I do not have the patience for.  There is still time for a new player to make it solely on sweat.  A Herculean task, in my opinion, for I have tried and succeeded on some level.  Depositing however amplified my strategy and saved me time. 
Time is the most important commodity there is.  Everyone gets the same amount.  And money can be traded for time.  If not for the tradeoff between time and money there would be no markets.  Skills in your avatar are usually the return of all the sweating and money spent.  And those skills acquired represent more than money.  They represent time. 
Choose your time wisely in Calypso if you are sweating.  Choose your time even more carefully when you are depositing.  May your times in Calypso and the other planets bring, success, wealth, and happiness. Good luck and maybe I'll see you there.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sweating the days away.  I remember when I first found out about 'toggle auto-use tool' under the action menu (press 'y' default key), then 'control' tab along bottom of action panel, then the '>>' in the middle of the bottom of the action panel, then over three times '>>'.  then there on the lower right is the 'toggle auto-use tool' icon/button.  Setup a keymap to get this icon mapped to (I prefer) a number key such as '0'.
Then when wanting to continously use a tool, equip the tool, press the '0' and away it goes, no clicking.  Aim the tool and go clickless (click to aim) I should say. 
If I had known about auto-use years ago, not 4 years in, my life would be a lot less clicky.  I logged some 300,000 some clicks sweating before wising up to 'toggle auto-use tool'.  Clicks not wasted as I still have A LOT of the sweat looking for better prices in better neighborhoods.  And I have sold about as much as I have left.  (takes some entropia math to understand that, 1/2 of 1 is 1/2, start with 200,000 sweat, sell 100,000, have 100,000 left) 
Now one of the complaints I've seen about 'toggle auto-use tool' is that auto-use makes avatars look like they are controlled by bots.  Botting, being a automated way to play other mmos and usually against those other mmo's rules.  But in entropia 'toggle auto-use tool' is a boon, a clear plus, and saves much sanity from fleeing mice and keypads.  And auto-use is within the rules of entropia as 'toggle auto-use tool' is included in the action panel list. 
The inclusion of auto-use goes a long way towards making entropia gaming A LOT more fun and less demanding.  There are a few problems still as it applies to sweating but on the whole 'toggle auto-use tool' is a keymap tool to use that I cannot live without.  Hope you have found auto-use and good luck.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sweating is about connecting the beginner entropians with the experienced entropians.  A sort of one feeds the other and everybody's happy in the end.  A mutual agreement to produce and buy/sell from each other.
As sweaters collect their sweat and turn it into welding wire or mind essence, the free-to-players produce something for the space and vehicle owners/operators.  Still low-cost for either.  The difference is measured in $100's of dollars, sometimes $1000's but really the amounts connecting are low. 
A low-end stock for comparison might sell $100,000 in a day in a few seconds, no problem.  In entropia moving that amount would have a huge effect on whichever market it was in.  In stocks, a 5-10% blip of $1,000,000 or more is in a typical day (minute) and does not have much effect. (need a chart and trade records to show this, an IBM ticker symbol on a finance site and some sample trades)
Sweaters collectively, however, can approach I would guess $200-$500 a day (24 hours).  That's the pool of demand available.  It varies but generally within $100 up or down in market volume.  Split that by who knows how many sweaters to arrive at a typical sweaters' experience.  I would guess some 200 sweaters in a day.  Large enough however to fuel a lot of play.
Keeping in mind the $1 per hour cut, sweating can still be profitable as outlined in an earlier post.
As the spaceship owner/operators need welding wire the sweaters will be there to provide it even at breakeven or a loss as 'it's just a game', 'sweating is free', and 'sweating builds skills'.  The three reasons most cited, particularly skills, give the new player an opportunity to connect with the spaceship owner/operators who are buying and selling goods between planets.  Also to mainly build their own avatar's skills.  The sweat sold contributes to keeping the spaceship people with operating spaceships. 
Sweaters are connected to the in-game economy in important and satisfying ways as other professions are connected to sweaters in satisfying and important ways.  Join the sweaters.  Join entropia universe.

sidenote:  annualizing the average sweat demand over a year is $127,750 of sweating per year. and by 200 sweaters about $1-$2.50 per sweater per day.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Population estimates after some more crafting, more basic sheet metal, and a server change from being on too long, then being logged out.  what happened?  I don't know.  I wondered if the population numbers would change?  from searching the player register i got an average of 3-10 players or 6.5 players per page.  For 30 pages times a maximum permutation of 15 results a page, a 1.4% active players per three letter permutation.  Those are players who are online at any given moment. 
There are some 17500+ three letter permutations when searching the player register.   Of those 1.4% will be active.  450 players per search. and 1.4% of that is:   6.5 players. then multiply that by 17500 permutations of three letter search terms for ta-da-da-da: 113,400 players active at any one time.  My sample size is small.  Less than 20 but more than 10 searches.  So the confidence level is likely around +/- 20,000 players.  Just a guess.  This is but one of many ways to gauge the active population on entropia, particularly Calypso.  With such a population and active auctions and private trade, Calypso's peds flow greatly day after day, week after week, pull after pull.  Be part of and enjoy your time on Calypso.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Playing entropia on calypso, again.  I turn on my computer.  Among the first things I pull up is the client.  without thinking I am nearly seamlessly in the world.  Check some auction prices and market activity.  Then after a few purchases and recording of sales, I craft.  For hours.  It's awesome.  The amounts of money that flow in the virtual landscape still amaze me.  And the money does flow to my bottom line with a lot of dips and highs along the way.  Past a certain level it is possible to have the downswings mean less as they are quickly recovered within a day or two.  Across the three (four sic sweating) professions; hunting, mining and crafting.  Favorable buyers and a good reputation are also some keys.  Be ye not afraid.  There is enough activity for all.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The wonder that is the entropia universe.  The planet beckons and calls.  An irresistable urge to play and be played.  How much?  How much time? Endless.  An entertainment like no other.  Always something to do.  A productive player is a happy player.  Efficiency matters.  From the splash screen of the game load from the client.  The ships displayed and the planet are all explorable by an avatar.  The scope is breath-taking.  The actual play creates hard-core players by the thousands.  I am an entropian colonist, a settler, and a crafter.  Join entropia, they say.  Do some sweating, they say.  Become a pioneer in this new world.  And find yourself as well as others who share in the destiny of the online worlds.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

After sweating for a year on calypso I collected some 140,000 sweat.  that's 3 hours per day for 4-5 days a week off and on over a year.  More concentrated effort would have yielded more but then i wouldn't have time to write blog posts or live like a pauper.  anyway i have a huge amount of sweat left that i slowly convert into mind essence and welding wire.  The effects of all the time spent I offset with healing and hunting and scanning.  Paying the piper so I can dance to the tune. 
Is this a success story?  Not yet, but I feel the story is on the way.  Perhaps others could succeed faster, better, and more by reading the few bits of knowledge in these posts.  Drop a comment and I'll see what I can do for you and the wonderful world that is Calypso.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

have been playing entropia on planet calypso at a different level now for a week.  really stepped up my spend and sold figures from $80 working capital to $300 working capital.  cycled roughly twice per day.  which when i think about it is amazing for some data on a server visually represented then enjoyed by 10's of 1000's of people. 
remains to be seen how succesful i can be as my play style with crafting is hands off for the most part.  though other professions may involve doing more on one screen i find that crafting is perfect for multitasking.  attended to when needed but largely hands free.  i still do superstitious clicks and mouse moves to make the majic of crafting gods turn my way.